Kent Film Festival 2013



The 39th annual Kent Film Festival takes place on Saturday 28th September 2013 at Christ Church University, in Canterbury, Kent.

OVFM played a major part in the festival as our very own Mike Turner was chairman of the event for many years before his sad passing last year. In 2012 we also made our mark on the results front by bagging four top award (including Best Film for Bob Vine’s “Eco”) and three commendations. can we do the same this year?

Entry forms can be downloaded HERE but please note that the last day of submission is Saturday July 27th

For further information on this event please visit the Kent Film Festival website HERE.

Thanks for reading and good luck to all those who enter.

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 25th 2013


So, why is this a “Special” Project Evening? Because I couldn’t think of how else to categorise what we have in store for this week!!

The architect of this unique event called “Consequences” is our youngest club member and Vice Chairman Sam “Choo-Choo” Brown and you know the kids of today with their Red Bull and Hippity Hoppity music, so what goes on in his mind could be quite frightening as we are sure to find out.

The idea is thus: we are (hopefully) going to make a film (a new experience for some of you I believe) but what it is about is a mystery and that is the point of this project – to see if we can create a film on the fly. The club members will be split into small groups and Sam will give them each an opening a closing line for their scene. The groups will have a few minutes to brainstorm an idea in which to incorporate these lines then the camera will be passed to them and they will shoot their scene.

Will the end product have any coherence at all? Will the story flow? The only way to find out is to show up on Tuesday evening and join in the maybe… er fun!

North vs South 2013 – The Films!


At the June 11th club meeting we officially began our campaign for the 2013 North vs South competition, where we opened the floor to members to submit their ideas for a film based on the theme of “Revolution”. More details about the North and South competition can be found on their website HERE.

As we heard from our resident N vs S organiser Mike Coad, this year’s competition takes on a lightly different tact with regard to the results of the two heats. First the number of heat rounds will be streamlined to to just one per region. Previously the winners of the two heats are announced then go head to head with the highest scoring runners up at the grand final on November 24th. This year the results are to be kept secret, known only to the two heat organisers (Mike and Graham Morris, his counterpart at Altrincham Film Makers).

At the final, as many films as possible out of those that didn’t make the the top ten will be shown first, then the top ten films will be shown in descending order of merit from ten to one, thus keeping the suspense alive to the last minute.

So, as the cliché goes, we have to be in it to win it and we currently have three ideas on the table for the club to get involved in to bring to life, enter into the competition and, who knows, win the whole thing!

To learn more about the three projects – including  draft scripts and cast and crew positions that need filling – and to pledge your support to them or offer comments and feedback, click on the links below.

Please note that these pages are private so only club members who have signed up to the site can see this material contained within.






Remember this opportunity is open to everyone and it would be nice to see as many people as possible participating in these projects rather than the usual subjects (to whom we are naturally grateful for their persistence and constancy in supporting our film shoots). With three projects on the table there are plenty of roles that need filling on both the cast and crew side so nobody should feel left out.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you all on one of the shoots!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 11th 2013




“The South Shall Rise Again”


Or it will if we can win the annual North vs South competition!


Yes, another yearly tradition is inching its way towards us in the form of the film competition that literally divides the nation (well, us amateur film makers at least). It’s the event that decide who is better at maker films – we refined people of the lower end of the country who speak the Queen’s English and them Oop North wot don’t and who still think it is 1953. *


Last year we came within a flea’s tadger of winning the grand prize after demolishing the other entrants in the Southern heat with David Laker’s Disastermind but it seems the judges at the final weren’t that impressed with our entry as it didn’t even get placed in the final analysis. So we have to course of action we can take:


1) We hunt down the judges and slap them about with a wet fish while playing Justin Beiber songs at full blast on endless loop


2) We make a brilliant film that can’t fail to astound everyone who sees it and is a sure fire winner.


I personally vote for option 1 but sadly OVFM is a democracy so I’ll go with the majority.


If we decide on option 2 then we need to establish a game plan and this is where Tuesday’s club meeting come into play. Our new(ish) chairman Simon “Snapper” Earwicker would like ALL of us (yes, even YOU!) to come prepared with ideas, concepts or even finished scripts if you have them which we shall discuss, dissect and take into consideration for the film or films that we will submit for the competition.


The theme for this year’s film is “Revolution” and you can interpret that anyway you see fit (but keep it clean) while the final product can not exceed a running time of 20 minutes.


We really need to have a strong showing this year as OVFM is hosting the Southern event, so if we lose this one we will have some serious egg on our faces (yuk), so let’s all pull together (I can hear the screams already!) and produce a winning film for 2013!


Also don’t forget that this meeting will open with the EGM. For more on that please read THIS PAGE!


See you on Tuesday!

* Source: Daily Mail