Orpington Video and Film Makers, or OVFM for short, is a friendly amateur film making club in the Orpington area. OVFM members make dramas, documentaries, comedies and experimental films.
OVFM has a large membership of all ages and abilities and can number amongst its ranks experienced award winning film makers and complete novices.

By its comprehensive programme of competitions, projects, club films and fun evenings OVFM actively encourages the members to get involved and to turn their own creations into films they’d be proud to show.
Orpington Video and Fim Makers are a club with a long history and is renowned for being a great place to improve your film making skills. The friendly members are helpful and enthusiastic and only to happy to share their knowledge and experience.

The regular club meetings are a mix of the social and the practical, with opportunities to show films, discuss film making and learn about technique.
To help newcomers to amateur film making OVFM runs coaching evenings. These evenings focus on the skills needed to make the best of your camcorder or equipment in general. Sound recording, lighting, editing and camera control are all covered as well as touching on the broader subjects of script writing, directing, and the multitude of skills necessary for a successful amateur film.

If you want to turn your shaky and ponderous video efforts into entertaining, informative and even exciting films why not come along and join us. We would love to see you.