OVFM Conquers Kent Film Festival 2013!!
Mike Shaw
Members of Orpington Video & Film Makers collected three major trophies and a commendation at the prestigious Kent Film Festival (held Saturday 28th September, in Canterbury). The winning films were ‘Steam and Smoke’ (Best Photography) by Sam Brown, ‘Village Mosaic’ (Kent Award) by Barbara Darby, ‘Enid Blyton – the Beckenham Years’ (Best Documentary) by Mike Shaw and Footprint Productions, and ‘Eastbourne ‘ (Commendation) by Mike & Jo Coad.

Congratulations to all the winners!
And a fine looking bunch they are too 😉
Let me add my congratulations and say that we at OVFM can be justly proud of the prize winning achievements of our members. Well done for getting stuck in and showing what you can do.
I hope other members will take inspiration and be encouraged to enter their own films into competitions like the KFF.
There is nothing like taking part to polish your skills and give you motivation.
Although not an OVFM member I’d like to say well done to Sam, Barbara, Mike and Mike and Jo. I’m sure everyone is delighted at your success and you will inspire other OVFM colleagues “to have a go” no doubt – best wishes from Deborah.
P.S. I’m looking forward to the Autumn Show