OVFM Ramble 2011
Best Ramble Ever?

With the threat of rain and a number of loyal ramblers not able to attend Deborah and I were expecting a low turnout for Sunday”s OVFM Ramble…how wrong we were!
More than a dozen enthusiastic walkers joined us at Andrew”s Wood for the gentle stroll to Shoreham. When Deborah informed me she”d baked cakes to help the merry band on their way I laughed at her naivety. “These people are athletes, they treat their bodies like temples, you won’t find them scoffing buns!” How wrong I was, even Mike T, normally a paragon of virtue, was tempted by Deborah”s buns, and if you think that”s an excuse for some double entendre you”re very much mistaken!

When Anna and Chris arrived looking bright eyed and bushy tailed our party was compete. Esteemed director and producer Anna and director of photography Chris had only called “wrap” on the filming of epic movie “Blitz and Bananas” the day before so it was a particular pleasure to have their company. After many months of long days and late nights spent bringing the ambitious project to completion all that remains to finish the film is the little matter of editing!

Champing at the bit we set off for Shoreham with a song in our heart and a spring in our step through woodland and meadow, up hill and down dale, through gate and over stile. We spotted numerous butterflies basking in the warm sunshine and as we ambled along Deborah introduced us to the joys of using a magnifying glass to explore the finer details of nature.

The view from the chalk cross on the hill above Shoreham was breathtaking and it was a tranquil place to rest and contemplate awhile. In fact Mike T could only be enticed to continue by the promise of ample refreshment in the village. This viewpoint was an ideal place to survey the horizon with the help of Jane”s powerful binoculars while Jo busily snapped away with her camera recording the unfolding tableau.

Eventually we had to drag ourselves away from this lovely spot and wind our way down the hill towards the village. The challenge of two stiles was met and overcome by the superb teamwork of the group, teamwork not unlike the well polished efficiency witnessed at the Royal Tournament I thought, when a gun and carriage is transported from one end of an assault coarse to the other at great speed!

After looping around the old mill, over the bridge, past the vineyard and through the churchyard the OVFM ramblers were ready for their lunches. Some sort refreshment at the excellent pubs, others at the Station Tearoom and the rest of us in our trusty packed lunches.

As previous ramblers to Shoreham know one of the highlights of this village is the fabulous cream teas served up at the church every Sunday 2-5pm in August and the first Sunday of September. The homemade scones and cakes are delicious, the ladies are lovely and friendly and it”s definitely THE place to be on a sunny summer”s afternoon.

With lashings of tea and cake duly polished off it was time to wend our way home, delaying just long enough to investigate the sale at the allotments and provision ourselves with fresh garden produce that was just too good to miss. Thanks must go to Chris for helping carry my particular load of runner beans, onions, courgettes and cabbage!

The climb back over the ridge seemed steeper than I remembered and with the sun beating down like something from Laurence of Arabia it was certainly hotter Thankfully the OVFM team spirit kicked in again with Anna distributing refreshing water, Freddy leading the way, Malcolm drawing on his vast experience to keep us going and Hugh and Ann entertaining us every step of the way. Special mention should also be made of Barbara and Len Walker who certainly lived up to their name! Barbara not only completed the ramble with ease but did the last mile in just her socks! Now that”s what I call style!

Thanks to Brenda, Freddy, Jo and Mike, Jane, Malcolm, Barbara and Len, Hugh and Ann, Chris and Anna and of course Mike.As far as I”m concerned together you made it the best ramble ever!
What a well written article Simon.
I like the photos as well. It all looks ideallic.It was very hot walking, but fun.
Thank you Brenda for your kind comment. It was great having your company on the walk and, yes, what a REAL scorcher it was !
Yes, Simon, it was indeed a ramle to remember. Lovely weather, good company and thelegs got well and truly excersised
Hi Barbara isn’t it nice when everything just falls into place!
People might be interested to know that this coming Sunday (I think that’s the 4th Sept) Shoreham is hosting the Heavy Horse Show, a very enjoyable event that is well worth a look.
So nice to ramble through unspoilt woodland and countryside in good company at a leasurely pace. The weather was an added bonus and Simon, great pics, you would pass for a professional photographer! The only disappointment is that one person is missing from the photos! Deborah’s cakes were very good and set me up for the ramble. Thanks Simon.
I wondered who’d be the first to spot that I’m not in the group photo! Naturally I’m far to shy to appear infront of the camera!
As you may remember Jane other group photos were taken including a couple of really odd ones. But I’m sure nobody is interested in seeing them!
Well done Simon and Deborah. Reg and I were very, very sorry to miss the ramble this year but it clashed with us ‘enjoying’ 32 degrees in Luxembourg for the UNICA festival. Musn’t let that happen again in 2012!
We missed you too! I hope you and Reg get full recognition for suffering extreme discomfort in the cause of national and international film making. I look forward to hearing about what you saw.
Nifty wordage Mr Earwicker – thy be a scribe in the making. Sounds like a crackin’ day and why wouldn’t it be? Long live the hand lens (or spy glass if one prefers).
Hi Dave, thanks for taking time off from the curious hybrid world of overlooked nature and under appreciated punk rock to dally awhile in the home of the amateur film maker. I hope you enjoyed your visit.